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Grantee Organization Disclosure

As a condition of receiving a grant from Thrivent Charitable Impact & Investing®, the recipient acknowledges that Thrivent Charitable Impact & Investing reserves the right to terminate the grant for any reason. The grantee also agrees to repay Thrivent Charitable Impact & Investing any or all portions of the grant not used for the stated purpose or if your organization’s status as a public charity is challenged by the IRS. Thrivent Charitable Impact & Investing may require a detailed narrative and financial report regarding the grant recipient’s use of the grant.

By accepting the grant, you certify to Thrivent Charitable Impact & Investing that 1) your organization is formed under the laws of the U.S. and its territories and is a public charity described in the IRS Code section 509a(1), (2) or (3), or is a private operating foundation described in IRC section 4942(j)(3), and applicable regulations and IRS authority; 2) the grant will be used exclusively in furtherance of your organization’s exempt purposes; 3) neither the recommending donor or the other third party will receive goods, services or any more than incidental benefits as a result of the grant; 4) the grant does not satisfy all or a portion of a financial obligation (including a pledge or fundraising commitment) of any individual or entity; and 5) the grant will not be used for lobbying or political contributions or to support political campaign activities.

As we have information about your charity on file, please do not add us to your mailing lists. Please do not issue a tax receipt to either Thrivent Charitable Impact & Investing or the recommending donor(s) for the grant as the donor received a tax receipt at the time that they made a contribution. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at or call 800-365-4172.