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Gift Advocate Code of Ethics

The purpose of this code is to encourage responsible charitable gift planning by all who are active in advocating gifts to benefit Thrivent Charitable Impact & Investing® (Thrivent Charitable). Professional advisors, such as gift planners, insurance agents, financial advisors, board members and Thrivent Charitable staff, are collectively referred to as “gift advocates.”

Philanthropic motivation
First and foremost, charitable gifts should always be made with a desire on the part of the donor to support the humane work of charitable institutions.

A gift advocate will act with fairness, honesty, integrity and openness and shall strive at all times to represent and promote the concept of stewardship.

A gift advocate shall advise donors only in areas in which he or she is qualified. Acting in the interest of Thrivent Charitable, the donor shall be encouraged to discuss proposed gifts with legal and tax advisors of the donor’s choice.

A gift advocate will not share, sell or exchange donor or fund advisor names, addresses, email addresses or telephone numbers. Disclosures regarding gifts will be made only to those parties specifically noted by the donor or fund advisor.

Explanation of gifts
A gift advocate shall make every effort to ensure that donors receive a full explanation of how the proposed gift works on their behalf.

Financial and tax implications
Congress has provided tax and financial incentives for charitable giving. To that end, the emphasis in this statement on philanthropic motivation in no way minimizes the necessity and appropriateness of a full and accurate explanation by the gift advocate of those incentives and their implications for the donor.

Full disclosure
The role and relationship of all parties involved in the making and distribution of gifts shall be fully disclosed to the donor.

Full compliance
A gift advocate shall always comply with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations.

Payment of finder’s fees, commissions or other fees by Thrivent Charitable to a gift advocate as a condition for the delivery of a gift is never appropriate.